Well, the Christmas season is here and I find myself to be filled with happiness and joy as I begin to experience the beauty that is Jesus' birth. Every year I know it's Christmas because of the crisp, cold air that hits my face as I head out the door. For me, Christmas is a cold breeze (cold enough to make your boogies so cold you can't feel them), the smell of cold "clenliness", big black coats, seasonal outfits (clothes with trees, snowflakes and reindeer on them) and of course an endless amount of celebrations.
During this time of the year I am prone to feel a little sad and disappointed when thinking of all of those people out there who don't share the joy and happiness I experience during the holidays. This year I resolve to pray that they are somehow loved and comforted by God as they find themselves alone or/and without hope.
Along with Christmas it is inevitable that shopping follows in the celebratory festivities...
Here are my thoughts on this subject:
- For the first time ever I am not freaked that I may not have too much money for the holidays (building promise)
- I want to give EVERYONE something.
- I want to give my family something very special.
- I don't want to look for parking at the mall.
I may sound lazy, but I've somehow lost my motivation to shop this year. I will press on...the people whom I love deserve.
Christmas is here...it's in the air...Baby Jesus is on his way to save the earth and I'm on my way to the mall...it's funny how that works.