So much fun!
We started with lunch on Friday at Fisherman's Restaurant at the pier. Their clam chowder is delicious!

Best part of lunch was Janette telling the story of a man she and her team met while in Nicaragua. Some of the girls from her team met a man that knew exactly 7 words in the English language...and he used them while following them around: "Oh my God! You are so beautiful!".
The girls got scared when he attempted to give them his phone number by typing it on a calculator and following them around with it while the whole time repeating "Oh my Gooooooood! You are SO beautiful!"...the guys on her team saved the day by telling the man to stop it.
Needless to say...we repeated that phrase to each other all weekend. I especially loved saying it to Howard when he came back from his workout.
After lunch we hung out by the beach and relaxed.
We checked in to the hotel at 3 and just did nothing until more of the boys arrived. I love watching tv, checking email, laughing, taking naps with my friends...just doing nothing feels so good.
Once the boys got there we had dinner and rented a movie. We went back to the hotel for new school year planning (which went so well). Then headed to the pool and jacuzzi.
Went to bed after the movie at about 2.
The next morning was so great...slept in a bit and went over camp details.
The next morning was so great...slept in a bit and went over camp details.
We went out to Casa Romantica, which overlooks the ocean:
So why did God love you more than me and put you in such a beautiful part of the country? I spent my weekend in my backyard with pine trees, pine straw, and bugs :)
It looks like you all had a blast!
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