Monday, August 6, 2007

Me...a Reality Star?

Last night, Edgar and German came over to have some hot dogs and play Scrabble.

As I began to unpack the stuff we got at the market I realized I had forgotten the sweet relish. I told the boys about the fact that I really needed relish to go with my hot dog and, as usual, Edgar and I got into it.

Note: Whenever Edgar and I fight/argue/discuss, it's partly laugh and partly fight...but lots of fun. Although we argue and disagree, we always end up on the same's weird.

As we were going back and forth German followed along and as soon as he could get a word in edge wise he said, "You two should have your own reality show...I'd watch."

When he said that it reminded me of when Bibi said, "All I need is a bucket of popcorn when I'm with you two...just sit back and watch."

It got me, I must be really entertaining.
I don't even have to act...just who I am makes good television. And as a reality TV makes me utterly proud to even be considered a candidate for this branch of entertainment.

My life really does consist of a good show:
*boy drama
*embarrassing moments

Heck, I'd watch too!


Anonymous said...

Drama....nothing but drama....I hate it....I'd block the channel and make up a password that I'll never remember.

Anonymous said...