Friday, June 13, 2008

Verbal Vomit

There's this friend I have...

Every time I'm around him I can't seem to shut up.

I just keep going and going...silence is really awkward with, I just keep talking.

I'm usually okay with silence...just not with him. I get nothing from him. No response to questions. No laughter after my witty jokes. Seriously. Nothing.

After I'm done hanging out with him I'm exhausted. I can't even remember half the stuff that spilled out of my mouth.

We hung out this morning and somehow I ended up bringing up kissing, my future husband and this...

talk about awkward.


Anonymous said...

I get that way with some friends at times, I've left thinking, Wow I really didn't give them much of a chance to talk. Then I have some friends if I don't come up with something to say, its going to be silent.

Damaris said...

first of all... um, who is this boy?!

Second of all... what did he respond when u brought up a) kissing and b) what God has been bringing up about our actions with the poor?