Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Changed My Mind

Remember when I posted about a wedding I was invited to?

Well, I changed my mind...

I just got home from "said" wedding and I wouldn't mind being the bride...not at all.

Truth is, no matter how long it takes to find love, when you find it, it really doesn't matter how long it took. Does that make sense?

She was happy, excited, thankful, blessed, optimistic, joyous, in love...

I don't care how long it takes for me to find that with another long as I'm lucky enough to find it...that's more than enough.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Wish I Were Turning 2 in 2 days

Remember when your birthday was a HUGE deal?

When you counted down the days?

When everyone in your family was also anticipating the big day?

Can't it be like that when you're turning 25?

I'm not complaining...birthdays as a grown-up are great too, but all the fun and expectation leading up to your actual birthday seem to be watered down...

I'd like the 100% juice instead of the frozen concentrate for my birthday, please!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nothing Better

I had an exam and paper due this morning (on top of all of my other work at school and at the church)...needless to say, I was stressed and busy all week long.

I came home this afternoon with a nap, meal and some TV on DVD (Grey's Season 4) planned...

Surprise, surprise!

I found two issues of Us Weekly in my mailbox (last week's and this week's).

I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon...

Reading my two issues, while watching Grey's and having some linner...

and then off to small great!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Don't Judge Me

I just got invited to a 42 year old woman's wedding.

This is her first marriage...

Is it bad that I hope to never be her?

I never want to wait that long, be an "older" mother (if being a mother is possible at all), be in the "single" stage of life for 20-plus years...

is that wrong?


I almost had a panic attack this weekend.

I'm doing full-time school and full-time work (ministry) this semester.

I thought I could do it, but when I saw that a huge test and paper collided this week I almost freaked out.

It took everything in me to not cry and cry and just give up.

I know I have to make some adjustments and get through it...

But today I was gently reminded of how sovereign and caring God is. He sweetly helped me get all of my work done and allowed me to enjoy it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Old Me

Here are a few thoughts I has today while listening to an old man talk...

When I'm old I'd like to be a great story teller
I'd like to have people sitting at the edge of their seats while I'm talking
It'd be nice if I made them laugh really hard too
I'd like to smell nice, maybe a sweet scent
Maybe have a great lap to sit on
Also, I want to be able to laugh at myself... a lot
I want to be a wealth of knowledge and wisdom
I want to still be cool
When I'm old I'd like to be a really great version of me

Monday, September 8, 2008


The past week has been tough.

I've had tons of issues here at the church and lots of life going on in general.

I can't really talk about it, think it through or analyze the why's and what's either....I feel like I've already done enough of that.

The only thing I've been able to do is cry.

No, I haven't been a depressed mess. There have just been moments of reflection where I just start crying, just like that...I start and then I stop, I'll laugh at myself and then later I start all over again.

It's just been a flood of emotions. And I have no clue what to do with all of them...other than cry.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


My star birthday is coming up...

I turn 25 on the 25th this month!

When I was a teenager I always saw 25 as the officialy grown-up age.

Anywhere before that was still being a young adult, but after that, you were a grown-up.

I'm finding it hard to accept that I've come to that age so soon! I love being single and in my twenties. It's been the most fun, gratifying, exciting time of my life! I really love my life. But, I don't know if I'm ready to grow up yet.

My life is nowhere near where I thought it would be at's been totally different, and I'm so thankful to God for that! What I've done and learned has exceeded any expectations I had as a child and teenager.

Now that I'm coming into living a quarter of a century I know I'm ready for it...and really excited to see what kind of a grown-up I become...although I may not become one for a while, no matter what I said as a kid.