Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Sleeping Into the New Year
Thursday, December 28, 2006
I Hung Out With the Pillsbury Dough Boy!

Well, not before yesterday I hadn't.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Where Have I Been?
here is what I've been up to this past holiday weekend:
* Worked to complete both weekend programs (children's and youth)
* Finished up all paperwork for the weekend.
* Picked my mom up at work from her Christmas party.
* Had a rather uncomfortable conversation.
* Helped my mom wrap presents.
* Got really bad, painful allergies.
* Didn't sleep all night.
* Stayed in bed most of the morning recovering from my 18 hour headache.
* Showered and had a nice brunch in front of the TV.
* Had guests over at our house.
* Headed to church to finish weekend prep and sort Christmas gifts for the kids.
* Went to Target to buy one last gift.
* Got dinner at Mc Donald's.
* Took my mom to the grocery store.
* Wrapped all of my Christmas gifts.
* Did lesson plan for children for next weekend.
* Filled out 20 Christmas cards...went to bed at 1:50 AM.
* Woke up at 7:30 AM (45 minutes late) had to take a "body shower".
* Worked my hiney off at church for 5 hours (had a great time!).
* Had lunch at home.
* Hung out with my family.
* Had dinner and opened presents.
* went to bed at 2 AM.
* Woke up at 9 AM
* Lounged around all day.
* Watched TV.
* Ate.
* Didn't shower till Tuesday morning.
Overall...a great Christmas!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Question: Do two nerves make a right?
We had two of our leaders go with the lead of this trip; for encouragement, support and help.
These are two amazing people whom I feel are completely guided by the Spirit. They are the kind of people whom I feel try their best to carry out God's will in their lives. In no way, shape or form do they live their lives in a selfish way.
Here is where I place my thoughts.
Before going to this trip these two leaders demonstrated a bit of apprehension to going on this trip. They weren't sure if that is where God wanted them to be during this week. Financial burdens presented themselves and they felt like they were going more because of the commitment they had made than because they truly wanted to go. They were nervous...or maybe scared...or maybe God really didn't want them to go.
Question: Do two nerves make a right?
Where is that fine line between feeling fleshly nervousness and feeling uneasiness in your spirit?
How do you know if what you are feeling is coming from your flesh or your spirit?
I know that prayer is the best way to confirm that...but still...these two leaders, I know, will return blessed from their trip, but was it really in God's will for them to go or were their nerves just their flesh guiding them?
Just something I've always wondered...
All that's left to do...
I just got out of a meeting with my boss.
We just went over some pretty major stuff.
Honestly...I thought the tough part was getting all the material gathered, preparing for the meeting, speaking from my heart...all of the time that led up to this.
I was wrong...the tough time is now...I have to wait and see what's hard to think about how I will respond to the outcome.
What if the outcome isn't what I expect it to be? How will I respond?
I want to be the kind of person who is led by her spirit, not her flesh.
I want to be a woman who fights for justice through peace.
I want to be that tree planted so deeply that not even a storm can move me.
I want to be secure in the fact that God, my Father, is in control of everything.
I want to be fearless, knowing that I am not doing it all, He is.
I want to wait endlessly for only Him.
I want to be at peace with what He decides.
I want to obey so that no matter what happens...I surrender my will to Him.
So I wait not on man...but on my Father.
And He is One that I am willing to wait for.
Monday, December 18, 2006
"When I was growing up..."
This, of course, makes me feel old. I know I'm not "old", but it makes me feel that way.
I've caught myself saying things like:
"When I was in school..."
"I had to [insert difficult task here] everyday just to get a dollar."
"Back in the day..."
"When I was young..."
"In the 90's..."
I just want to clarify that, in no way, shape, or form am I proud of these things coming out of my mouth.
I thought about it and realized that lots of things changed since I was a kid...for example:
1) Cassettes changed to Cd's. (my first Cd, No Doubt's "Tragic Kingdom" 8th grade)
2) VHS turned into DVD.
3) No more waiting to see what your pics look like (and I thought the "1 hour photo" was fast)-digital cameras are so mainstream that my 8 year old cousin has his very own.
4) Computers no longer need that big, thin floppy from when I was in 2nd grade and the monitors don't make the "eeerrrrrrrr" sound when you make a mistake.
5) Beepers turned to cell phones and blackberries and sidekicks and ......
Working in student ministry, will of course, have you surrounded by tons of young-ins...and will also remind you that you are no longer one of them-but it really does surprise me to see how much the world has changed since I was a little kid and even since I was a teenager.
I will always categorize the 90's as the one of the best decades of my matter how uncool it might seem :) And I AM proud of that!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Lost...and FOUND!

I have been searching and searching for this CD.
Michael Buble's "Let It Snow".
I don't think I have ever been so obsessed in all of my life! I went to at least 5 stores looking for it.
It only has 5 songs but oh how sweet they are....they COMPLETELY get me into the holiday spirit!
Thanks to Bibi I found it at Borders!
Now my Christmas is complete.
P.S. The guy at "The Warehouse" said it wasn't in print this year...shows how much he knows about music.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
There's no Better Way to say Merry Christmas than with a little glass Coke bottle

Wow! Today was our Staff Christmas Lunch and it was so delicious! We had chicken (an amazing roasted, flavorful one), rice, beans (that kind of looked like thick chocolate milk), a yummy variety of veggies, tamales (I had the cheese one...yum!), guacamole and much more! I really enjoyed the company because everyone seemed so carefree and we had a couple of those "laugh really hard" moments...nobody was uptight or anything which was a relief 'cause we were with the "grown-ups". is what really made this lunch a complete SUCCESS! Hermano Barbero and his clever little ways thought of bringing the tiny little Coke bottles...yup that's right...those little glass ones that they used to sell before Americans all of a sudden needed gigantic portions of everything. You know, the ones that were sold in the fifties in little vending machines. The ones you see at the market in cases but seem way too expensive to buy so you just shoot over to the 2 liter ones...YES! Let me tell you: they taste so authentic!
I am definitely a coke lover and this beverage just made my year!
Thank you Hermano Barbero for saying "Merry Christmas" with a little glass Coke bottle!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Dear Bibi, (part 2)
My Friend Bibi

These are the top 10 reasons for why I really love my friend Bibi Bracy:
10. She looks so great as a bum.
9. She is so easy to get along with.
8. She makes me laugh even when I don't feel like laughing.
7. She loves to poke fun at Edgar with me.
6. She is one of the wisest and godliest people I know.
5. No matter what we do...a good time is guaranteed when she's around.
4. We have an amazing variety of "inside jokes" we can revert to at any given moment.
3. She puts up with me.
2. She's a really hard worker.
1. She loves people and loves God...which makes for a great combination. are amazing and I feel so privileged to be your friend and get to serve God along side a great woman like you!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Day at Work
Just came back from a delicious lunch and I'm getting ready to hit it hard till 10 pm.
It's one of those days...
But I am thankful that God is with me and guiding me through it all.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
UPDATE: Boob Grabbing
Too bad...I could have used the 100 bucks.
Maybe next time.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
It's In The Air #3

Dear Bibi,
Once you start you can't stop. Trust me.
I love you...even if you never blog :)
Howard's Birthday!
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Boob Grabbing
We all have our quirks and although they may seem weird to one, they are treasured my another. Here is my quirk:
Tagging Edgar's boobs.
It's more like grabbing a handful of his boob.
The reason I started this was because when he found out where my "tickle spots" were he would use that information against me when he'd want to get back at me for stuff i.e. tickle me till I couldn't stand it.
I searched and found no such "tickle spot" on him. day I touched his boob and he almost was then that I knew this would be the root of his downfall! What is so funny is that he protects his boobs as if they were made of gold.
So it brings be to the present challenge:
How many times can I grab his boob between now and Christmas?
Started today at noon: 4 grabs and counting!
Friday, December 1, 2006
It's In The Air #2

Today, Bibi, Edgar and I went out to Alin's Party Depot to do a little last minute Christmas shopping for tomorrow's staff meeting. Once we walked in I could feel that "ooohhhh it's Christmas" feeling all over me. It felt like when I was a kid and was so excited that soon there would be food, family and, best of all, presents to look forward to in less than a month. I began to sing Chrismas carols and jingle around with some odd little "reindeer sounding" bells that I found at a display.
As I enjoyed bothering Edgar with the bells this thought came to mind: Why is it that the "good old feeling" is old? Why did it bother Edgar that I was spreading holiday cheer? Is it wrong...or mind you weird to LOVE Christmas? Like when you were a kid?
When I was alittle girl I loved it...the weather, feeling, shopping, it feels like the people around me (twenty-somethings) see Christmas as a second rate's like you're not cool anymore if you get excited about it.
When did it become wrong to love Christmas?
Think about it.
TAG! I'm it!
I don't know...why it takes me a while to get "into" my work every morning.
I talk...more than the average person.
I family.
My best more than one person.
My first real kiss...was not that great.
I hate it when people...are irresponsible.
Love is...not easy.
Marriage is...further down the line than I originally thought.
Somewhere, someone is thinking...TGIF.
I'll my blog to other peoples' blogs.
The last time I cried was mom and I were sharing family memories.
My cell phone...doesn't exist.
When I wake up in the morning...I am cold.
Before I go to sleep at night...I think of someone special.
Right now I am thinking about...having a snack.
Babies amazing gift from God (I love my baby nephew).
Today I will...get all my last minute things sorted out for the weekend programs.
Tonight I will...get some down time.
Tomorrow I will...finish some work, cook and have our Staff Meeting at my house.
I really want...a laptop.
I tag Bibi...maybe she'll blog.