Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Because She Doesn't Blog

I will blog on her behalf (Bibi, that is).

Saturday night was one of those nights where you want to make plans, but you don't 'cause you feel kind of lazy...you know what I mean...you just want to stay home, but you still want to do something.

So Edgar came over around 8, we met up with Bibi at the Mc Donald's down the street from my house, came back and just began to chat and channel surf.

Soon our conversation got onto the topic of peer pressure (Janette was sharing about it the very next morning at the services). I asked Edgar and Bibi if they had ever drank/smoked/gone to parties/etc. because of peer pressure. They answered and I threw in my two cents.
Here's the part where Bibi's "post" comes in:

I asked them why they chose to not do those things and Bibi answered the following: "I never wanted to smoke with my friends (although they offered) because I knew that I would end up being that one kid who immediately began to choke and cough once the cigarette went in my mouth. I didn't want to look stupid".

Once she said this I couldn't help but laugh...HARD. I thought it through in my head and reasoned: Bibi didn't give in to the pressure to smoke because of the pressure to not look stupid. Peer pressure saved Bibi from peer pressure. Hilarious!
I love the fact that she didn't say something like: "It was the right thing to do" or "By body is the temple of God". She just feared looking stupid.

Lesson: Don't look stupid...it might just help you make some wise decisions.


Bibi said...

I'M LAUGHING SOOOO HARD! You see, I couldn't have done that. YOU wrote it 1000 times better than if I would've tried!Thanks!

Jessica Torres said...

HAHAHAHA, I love it! I will always post for you :)