Patricia Schultz compiled her list of "1, 000 Places to See Before You Die". They have now become my life conquest.
I am not ready to die without first seeing God's amazing creation around the world.
Much of my life I've stayed local...in southern California, but I want to see more than just that. I want to see what others consider their everyday life... I want to live things that I alone can say I did and experienced.
My life resolution ('cause I don't believe in resolving to do something for just one year) is to see at least one of these places a year, for the rest of my life.
Many people doubt me...but I know I can do it.
I already got my mom on board so I'm hoping others will hop on the band wagon too.
Sign me up!! I would love to join the wagon!!
you are officially on the wagon my friend...just hold on tight!!!!
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