Saturday, July 28, 2007

I Love Being...


I know that things that happen on accident or by coincidence are pretty cool, but there's just something about being intentional and purposeful that really gets to me.

I love it when I plan ahead, make a strategic plan and follow through.
The fruit is that much sweeter because I saw something and I did something about it.

It's like it takes the responsibility back onto you. If you see something then you must DO something about it.

Don't wait for someone else or something else to solve or change it...if you/I see it, then God wants us to DO/ACT!

I really believe it's time for the church to believe this and stop blaming everything under the sun for it's failures and misguidance.

BTW, the "church" includes me.

1 comment:

Bibi said...

YES I completely agree!!