Friday, July 20, 2007

This is Allison Hibbard

I've been reading her blog for a while.
I found it through Josh Griffin's blog a while ago.

Yes, I admit it...they inspired me to get a blog and I am their blog fan...well mostly her blog fan (sorry Josh...I still read yours though).

She's creative, smart and witty---and cooks up some good posts.

We met at Saddleback last week.
In person she's as sweet as she appears to be in her posts.

I felt like a groupie when I approached her on Tuesday evening...
before doing so I asked Edgar if he thought it was a bit psycho/stalker-ish to come up and say "Hi, I read your blog!".

He said it would be...but I still did it.

I'm glad I did!


Julie Hibbard said...

I am a big fan of Allison's blog too! And NOTHING makes me happier than to have a blog fan come say hello!!
Allison is amazing in many ways. Her blogs are just the beginning!
Good luck fellow blogger.
Love, Allison's mom

Allison said...

Hooray! Thanks for being so fun!
I hope to read tons about you on your blog so that the next time we see each other, we can be equally stalker-ish! :)