I found it through Josh Griffin's blog a while ago.
Yes, I admit it...they inspired me to get a blog and I am their blog fan...well mostly her blog fan (sorry Josh...I still read yours though).
She's creative, smart and witty---and cooks up some good posts.
We met at Saddleback last week.
In person she's as sweet as she appears to be in her posts.
I felt like a groupie when I approached her on Tuesday evening...
before doing so I asked Edgar if he thought it was a bit psycho/stalker-ish to come up and say "Hi, I read your blog!".
He said it would be...but I still did it.
I'm glad I did!
I am a big fan of Allison's blog too! And NOTHING makes me happier than to have a blog fan come say hello!!
Allison is amazing in many ways. Her blogs are just the beginning!
Good luck fellow blogger.
Love, Allison's mom
Hooray! Thanks for being so fun!
I hope to read tons about you on your blog so that the next time we see each other, we can be equally stalker-ish! :)
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