Friday, December 21, 2007

Cold Pillows...

are one of my favorite things.

Even in the winter, I love laying down and feeling the cold pillow sham against my skin.

Sometimes when I'm in my room (and bedtime is nowhere in sight), I run my hand over my pillows...just to feel the coolness against my skin.

I like taking naps during the day, just so I can feel my cheek touch that special freshness.

In the summer I flip my pillows over throughout the night, to keep the coolness coming.

Oh, I love cold pillows.


Anonymous said...

u r a a cute way...but still weird tho....i only like them cold during the summer or when it's that it's winter...I like to have them warm and fuzzy!

Bibi said...

It's cool how something so simple can make you feel so good...