1. I absolutely love balancing my checkbook. It's not that I like money, or even like spending it, I actually think the world would be a better place if money didn't exist. I just love being able to pay all my bills on time and be super organized...makes me feel accomplished!
2. I once peed on my uncle. When I was 3, my uncle came to stay with us for a couple of weeks. I was taking a nap on the couch and he happened to be laying on the floor. I woke up with a full bladder and the first place I stepped was on him...you know how it ends.
3. I didn't learn how to swim until I was 22. My mom was super overprotective when I was little and never taught me how to swim. My friends Howard and Aaron taught me over a summer and then I took a formal class that fall.
4. I can't sleep with socks on. Even when I try, they seem to end up on the floor by the time I wake up.
5. I'm in love with the cold, underside of pillows. If I could choose one item to take with me on a deserted island, a nice, cold pillow would make the top ten list.
6. I only like it when people I really like (or really like me) call me Jess. I know, weird...I can't explain it. I just see that shorter version of my name as one that is reserved for those who I am special to or are special to me...I know, weird...
7. I love dressing up. I don't do it often because of my piece of the ministry at church, but I love getting out of my jeans and wearing heels and dresses whenever I can...I really love it!
I tag...Janette, Allison, Nick, Bethany, Neal, Josh and Wes.
Oh wow! That's me! Ok, here I go...
Hi Jessica, Is me Ana.
Just wondering but when you mention swimming classes on fall is that the time we went together, I just ask because I remembered all the fun we had in class... ohh how I wish I could go back on time.
Ana-Yes, it was when we swam together! I miss those days too, wish we could go back...love and miss you!!!
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