My office is downstairs, all the way at the front of the church...the rest of the offices are in the back, upstairs.
Because of scheduling conflicts, I only get to have someone in the office with me on Fridays...besides that, I'm alone every other day of the the week (Mondays and Wednesdays-I'm at Biola on Tuesdays and Thursdays). I can't stand it.
Today I got tons of things done before noon in my office (on my computer) so that I could go to the back offices for the rest of the afternoon and work on non-computer related work at Abby's desk (she's out on Mondays). I loved it.
The girls and I decided that I'd bring my laptop in on Mondays and work at Abby's desk all day...I'm so excited for Monday to come...really I am!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I Told You So
Here's a bit of advice for those of you who are young...
Listen to your parents.
My parents gave me tons of advice when I became an "adult" (when I turned 18) and began college and my own job.
Here's two:
1. Never let your gas tank go below the quarter mark. If you wait until after that, your car begins to scrape the gunk from the bottom of the tank and can cause damage to your vehicle. Plus, you never have to worry about getting stranded anywhere.
2. Pay your bills ahead of time. Not the day of or the day before...but in advance. It will help your credit score and also bring tons of savings when it comes time to pay late fees.
I didn't listen to my parents and spent the better part of my late teens and early twenties waiting for my gas light to go off before I'd pull into the gas station and sending in late payments. I'd always freak out and stress out and get mad when I had to pay extra fees.
I stopped doing that 2 years ago. I pay everything at least 2 weeks before it's due. I fill my tank when I'm at a quarter tank...not one drop less (okay, sometimes).
Trust me kids...listen to your parents, you'll lead a happy and stress-free life! At least when it comes to your car and bills!
Listen to your parents.
My parents gave me tons of advice when I became an "adult" (when I turned 18) and began college and my own job.
Here's two:
1. Never let your gas tank go below the quarter mark. If you wait until after that, your car begins to scrape the gunk from the bottom of the tank and can cause damage to your vehicle. Plus, you never have to worry about getting stranded anywhere.
2. Pay your bills ahead of time. Not the day of or the day before...but in advance. It will help your credit score and also bring tons of savings when it comes time to pay late fees.
I didn't listen to my parents and spent the better part of my late teens and early twenties waiting for my gas light to go off before I'd pull into the gas station and sending in late payments. I'd always freak out and stress out and get mad when I had to pay extra fees.
I stopped doing that 2 years ago. I pay everything at least 2 weeks before it's due. I fill my tank when I'm at a quarter tank...not one drop less (okay, sometimes).
Trust me kids...listen to your parents, you'll lead a happy and stress-free life! At least when it comes to your car and bills!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'll Be There For You
I work in youth a a community.
I share about community, love and belonging to the body of Christ.
And yet, I have never fully understood how important it is to have a community of believers with you, in the good and the bad, with all of your mistakes out there in the open, totally weak and fragile, no judgement, just love and grace...until today.
God has been processing me through some things lately...some things that have been the hardest I've had to face (up until this point) in my life. He's showing me a lot about who He wants me to be and how I need to do all that is in my power and rely on His power for those changes to become a reality in my life.
Tonight, for the first time in as long as I can remember, I was open and fragile before an incredible friend. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do...ask for help, because I really can't do any of this on my own.
It was strange to feel selfish when I made the call. I felt as though I was being self-centered by calling to talk about me and what I was going through...strange, huh?
I know I'm not alone in this. That's something I'm thankful for.
I share about community, love and belonging to the body of Christ.
And yet, I have never fully understood how important it is to have a community of believers with you, in the good and the bad, with all of your mistakes out there in the open, totally weak and fragile, no judgement, just love and grace...until today.
God has been processing me through some things lately...some things that have been the hardest I've had to face (up until this point) in my life. He's showing me a lot about who He wants me to be and how I need to do all that is in my power and rely on His power for those changes to become a reality in my life.
Tonight, for the first time in as long as I can remember, I was open and fragile before an incredible friend. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do...ask for help, because I really can't do any of this on my own.
It was strange to feel selfish when I made the call. I felt as though I was being self-centered by calling to talk about me and what I was going through...strange, huh?
I know I'm not alone in this. That's something I'm thankful for.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm a Believer?
I just spent an hour in the car with a friend of mine sharing about her past relationship. This isn't the first time we talk about usually creeps its way in every time we talk. I don't mind...but tonight, I made some observations...
After the heartbreak that the relationship brought her almost 2 years ago...
-she tries to find the answers to the whys that are left
-she sees dreams as God giving her signs/answers
-she reads books about moving forward
-she has hope that reconciliation will occur
-she prays about it constantly
-she makes connections and traces pertinent events to the relationship
-she seeks to have God show her why this has happened to her/them
When I got my heart broken years ago I could only see how hurt I was. I didn't look for reasons, answers, God's bigger picture. I just wanted to move on and forget...I didn't look for connections, I didn't sort through my feelings, or try to process it over the course of years. I didn't pray about it much after the break-up happened...I just wanted to get over it...
Did I react in a wrong way? Should I have talked to God more about it? Was I totally ditching out on God's message through it?
Not that I'll look back and try to squeeze a message out of it now...just asking, was I totally disconnected from God during that time, in that area of my life or are some of us girls, trying to see something, when nothing is there?
After the heartbreak that the relationship brought her almost 2 years ago...
-she tries to find the answers to the whys that are left
-she sees dreams as God giving her signs/answers
-she reads books about moving forward
-she has hope that reconciliation will occur
-she prays about it constantly
-she makes connections and traces pertinent events to the relationship
-she seeks to have God show her why this has happened to her/them
When I got my heart broken years ago I could only see how hurt I was. I didn't look for reasons, answers, God's bigger picture. I just wanted to move on and forget...I didn't look for connections, I didn't sort through my feelings, or try to process it over the course of years. I didn't pray about it much after the break-up happened...I just wanted to get over it...
Did I react in a wrong way? Should I have talked to God more about it? Was I totally ditching out on God's message through it?
Not that I'll look back and try to squeeze a message out of it now...just asking, was I totally disconnected from God during that time, in that area of my life or are some of us girls, trying to see something, when nothing is there?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Halloween is right around the corner.
I couldn't be less excited.
Not because I don't like costumes and candy (I actually love those)...
but because scary movies freak me out and that's all that seems to be on cable this month.
I know what you're thinking,"just change the channel Jess"...that's just it...I can't. I get sucked in and then I get freaked out...I hate it.
Like right now, The Ring and I are having a channel flipping frenzy...once it gets too intense I change the channel, but there I go...flipping back a couple of minutes later.
Thank God for commercials!
I couldn't be less excited.
Not because I don't like costumes and candy (I actually love those)...
but because scary movies freak me out and that's all that seems to be on cable this month.
I know what you're thinking,"just change the channel Jess"...that's just it...I can't. I get sucked in and then I get freaked out...I hate it.
Like right now, The Ring and I are having a channel flipping frenzy...once it gets too intense I change the channel, but there I go...flipping back a couple of minutes later.
Thank God for commercials!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It's a Small World Afterall
While checking emails, posting and making changes to my blog tonight, I saw a comment a stranger left me on a post I had written last month. When I first read the comment, I paid no attention to the person who had written it, but tonight I felt the need to follow the link to their blog.
Her name is Diandra and lives 15 minutes away from me (in Cerritos). She's 23 and is on staff at a church as their youth pastor.
When I read this I thought, "Cool, I could totally read her blog and relate, since we live in the same area and are the lead youth worker at our churches."
Then it got interesting...
Her co-youth pastor is a guy I knew at Biola. I haven't seen or spoken to him in years.
The church that her church recently merged with is the church that one of my best friends used to belong to.
My friend Nick seems to know her...I figure she linked to my blog from his.
These connections might seem like nothing to some people, but boy did they occupy a good hour of my night!
Her name is Diandra and lives 15 minutes away from me (in Cerritos). She's 23 and is on staff at a church as their youth pastor.
When I read this I thought, "Cool, I could totally read her blog and relate, since we live in the same area and are the lead youth worker at our churches."
Then it got interesting...
Her co-youth pastor is a guy I knew at Biola. I haven't seen or spoken to him in years.
The church that her church recently merged with is the church that one of my best friends used to belong to.
My friend Nick seems to know her...I figure she linked to my blog from his.
These connections might seem like nothing to some people, but boy did they occupy a good hour of my night!

1. I absolutely love balancing my checkbook. It's not that I like money, or even like spending it, I actually think the world would be a better place if money didn't exist. I just love being able to pay all my bills on time and be super organized...makes me feel accomplished!
2. I once peed on my uncle. When I was 3, my uncle came to stay with us for a couple of weeks. I was taking a nap on the couch and he happened to be laying on the floor. I woke up with a full bladder and the first place I stepped was on know how it ends.
3. I didn't learn how to swim until I was 22. My mom was super overprotective when I was little and never taught me how to swim. My friends Howard and Aaron taught me over a summer and then I took a formal class that fall.
4. I can't sleep with socks on. Even when I try, they seem to end up on the floor by the time I wake up.
5. I'm in love with the cold, underside of pillows. If I could choose one item to take with me on a deserted island, a nice, cold pillow would make the top ten list.
6. I only like it when people I really like (or really like me) call me Jess. I know, weird...I can't explain it. I just see that shorter version of my name as one that is reserved for those who I am special to or are special to me...I know, weird...
7. I love dressing up. I don't do it often because of my piece of the ministry at church, but I love getting out of my jeans and wearing heels and dresses whenever I can...I really love it!
I tag...Janette, Allison, Nick, Bethany, Neal, Josh and Wes.
Monday, October 13, 2008
soCal is soCold
I've been sleeping with one sheet covering me for the better part of the summer. There were nights when I slept with not sheets at was so hot and sticky...gross.
About a week ago, I switched to using my duvet. It felt perfect, not too hot, not too cold.
Two nights ago, I officially pulled out my winter blankets...I'm talking heavy duty warmth.
It's felt incredible to sleep with warm, soft blankets and not be hot, sticky and sweaty...
The only bad part about the cold weather is getting up in the morning. My bed and blankets are so warm and comfy that I can't seem to peel myself out of bed.
Oh me, it's always something!
About a week ago, I switched to using my duvet. It felt perfect, not too hot, not too cold.
Two nights ago, I officially pulled out my winter blankets...I'm talking heavy duty warmth.
It's felt incredible to sleep with warm, soft blankets and not be hot, sticky and sweaty...
The only bad part about the cold weather is getting up in the morning. My bed and blankets are so warm and comfy that I can't seem to peel myself out of bed.
Oh me, it's always something!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I Don't Even Notice
"Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, the huge waves of the sea, the long coarse of rivers, the vast compass of the ocean, the circular motion of the stars, but they pass by themselves and they don't even notice." -Augustine
I wonder how different my love for others would be if I constantly reminded myself of the wonder that every person is?
Every person is a walking miracle, created by God, designed so delicately, no one like them has ever existed or will ever exist after them, God intentionally made them who they are...
They are unique, precious, marvelous, beautiful, amazing...
Even the people who bug, annoy, irritate me...they, too, are such a masterpiece.
I just hope to be able to live out this truth everyday.
I wonder how different my love for others would be if I constantly reminded myself of the wonder that every person is?
Every person is a walking miracle, created by God, designed so delicately, no one like them has ever existed or will ever exist after them, God intentionally made them who they are...
They are unique, precious, marvelous, beautiful, amazing...
Even the people who bug, annoy, irritate me...they, too, are such a masterpiece.
I just hope to be able to live out this truth everyday.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Asian Jason
I'm taking a Biblical and Practical Theology of Evangelism class at Biola this semester.
Our professor places the chairs in a circle for every class meeting; which means we stare at each other for the entire class time (3 hours every Tuesday).
The guy that faces me is a twenty-something year old Asian guy...I still haven't gotten around to remembering his name. It took a couple of class sessions for me to realize that he is a carbon copy of my friend Jason. The only difference is...he's Asian and Jason is Hispanic.
He laughs like Jason, dresses like Jason, smiles like Jason, is short like Jason, has the same voice as Jason, sits like Jason, stands like Jason, walks like Jason, makes the same hand gestures as Jason...seriously...just like Jason...but's kind of scary.
I felt like a weirdo because I found myself staring at him today...trying to see how many things he did reminded me of Jason...and evidently everything was Jason-like.
I only wish I could get them both in the same room together...that would be ridiculous.
Our professor places the chairs in a circle for every class meeting; which means we stare at each other for the entire class time (3 hours every Tuesday).
The guy that faces me is a twenty-something year old Asian guy...I still haven't gotten around to remembering his name. It took a couple of class sessions for me to realize that he is a carbon copy of my friend Jason. The only difference is...he's Asian and Jason is Hispanic.
He laughs like Jason, dresses like Jason, smiles like Jason, is short like Jason, has the same voice as Jason, sits like Jason, stands like Jason, walks like Jason, makes the same hand gestures as Jason...seriously...just like Jason...but's kind of scary.
I felt like a weirdo because I found myself staring at him today...trying to see how many things he did reminded me of Jason...and evidently everything was Jason-like.
I only wish I could get them both in the same room together...that would be ridiculous.
Friday, October 3, 2008
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...
I have no words...
My camera won't turn on.
I used it two weeks ago at a birthday party and it was fine...
I charged the battery all night for a wedding last Saturday. Once I popped it out for the photo shoot it wouldn't turn on.
No response to the on/off button, no funny sound, no screen light...nothing...just off.
Sad day.
My camera won't turn on.
I used it two weeks ago at a birthday party and it was fine...
I charged the battery all night for a wedding last Saturday. Once I popped it out for the photo shoot it wouldn't turn on.
No response to the on/off button, no funny sound, no screen light...nothing...just off.
Sad day.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Back on the BlogWagon!
I fully accept and acknowledge the fact that my posting has been minimal this summer...
I feel ashamed and embarrassed, especially because I used to always complain when bloggers didn't blog!
But I am officially committing myself to hop back on the blog bandwagon this fall...
Good stuff is coming...just wait and read!
I feel ashamed and embarrassed, especially because I used to always complain when bloggers didn't blog!
But I am officially committing myself to hop back on the blog bandwagon this fall...
Good stuff is coming...just wait and read!
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