Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy S.A.D.!

For all of those people out there with no significant other, no one to come hold at night, no kisses at the end of the date, no date at all...HAPPY SINGLES AWARENESS DAY!

I thought about it and being single has its' are a couple:

#1 You don't have to "check" with anyone before you make plans.

#2 You can go on a vacation and not have to make expensive long distance calls back home to let "someone" know that you are thinking of them.

#3 You don't have to feel guilty for having fun apart from that one person.

#4 You save tons of money on special occasions (birthdays, Valentine's day, Christmas, etc.)

#5 You spare yourself the trouble of figuring out who's family you will visit for the holidays.

#6 You have unlimited girls' nights out throughout the year.

#7 You can watch as much "Grey's" without anyone telling you what a waste of time it is.

#8 You don't have to shave your legs as often.

#9 You don't have to buy as much "nice" clothes because you don't need to go out on "nice" dates.

#10 You get to be a little more selfish than you get to when there's someone else to consider.

Gotta' say...being single is not that bad!


Bibi said...

Those are all awesome reasons to be single but are you really happy this way?

I got to say I do notice a difference in your personality except I can't put my finger on exactly what the difference is.

BTW I think you might be pretending. Prove me wrong, please.

Jessica Torres said...
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Jessica Torres said...

Let's put it this way...I'd rather be single and happy than in a relationship with the wrong person. I don't want to be with someone just to be with them. I refuse to settle. :)