Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Walk to Remember

Yesterday, I took a walk.

I haven't taken a walk anywhere in my neighborhood since I moved there (almost 2 years ago).
I live in California which means I drive a car...EVERYWHERE. Even to the Mc Donald's that's literally one block away from my house!
My car broke down a week and a half ago and I've been bumming rides off friends and family, but still I had no need to walk anywhere.

Until yesterday.

Wednesday is my day off and since I've had no car, the last two Wednesdays have been spent with me, myself and I, alone in my house...all day.
I got hungry and decided to take a walk to Mc Donald's to pick up some lunch.

I have to first say that it was a beautiful day. It had just rained the day before which meant clear skies and crisp air. As I ventured down the street I realized that I had NEVER walked down my block.

Side Note: I grew up at the last house I lived at which means that I did walk around my old neighborhood...A LOT! I lived there through my childhood and teen car-less years so I was FORCED to walk.

But yesterday I realized how much I've been missing out on.
There's just something about the sounds, smells and sights of your neighborhood. Things that you can't capture from the inside of a moving car. Things that I have not experienced in a long time.
As I hopped and skipped over the remaining puddles from the previous day's rain, crossed the street and smiled at the woman behind the counter at MY Mc Donald's I truly enjoyed my time in my neighborhood.
How many of us run through life at OUR own pace and don't really think about how much we are alienating around us?

My walk yesterday has inspired me to (when I "grow up") move into a neighborhood worth taking a walk in. It has also inspired me to marry someone who will walk alongside me (literally and figuratively) as we take in the sights and sounds of our lives. I want to experience my life...not just drive through it.

And to quote Nicholas Sparks, "it was a walk to remember in every way."


Bibi said...

I almost had a tear drop roll out of my eye, my left eye. And I really hope your inspired dreams become reality.

Jessica Torres said...

Thanks...I really appreciate the one drop...I wasn't worth at least one tear drop from each eye? j/k Love you!

German E. Contreras said...

Thats a good idea and a very deep blogger. Now I want to do that with my wife when I get married thanks for the idea.BTW don't live in Cudahy if you want to take walks.