Monday, May 21, 2007

I Want My Mommy

The more things change, the more things stay the same.
This true.

My mom and grandma went out of town this week.

My dad and I dropped them off at the airport on Wednesday night...

I spoke to my mom on Thursday morning and needed to hang the phone up right away because my voice was getting wiggly. I cried after we hung up.

Thought about her all day and what she was doing, who she was with, if she was having fun. Teared up again.
Cleaned the house just like she'd want me to...cried a little as I cleaned.

I really miss her.

And it reminds me of a time my mom went out of town when I was little.
My grandpa passed away and she left that same day. My sister and I missed her so much that we cried every day. We'd go into her closet, close the door, smell her perfume on her neatly hung up clothes and cry, longing to smell the real her and hold her close.

I called my sister the day after my mom left and said, "I miss her", my voice even got shaky while saying this. My sister's response, "Even though I don't live there anymore and don't see her every day, it's just knowing she's near...I miss her too."

Even though I am a grown up I still miss my mom, I hate being away from her. I wonder if she needs me for something, misses me...I know she does because she tells me so. Even when I sleep over at a friends house these thoughts still cross my mind.

Needless to say...I feel like I'm still a kid a lot of the time...I love my mom and miss her tons when we're apart.

How about you?

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