Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Life as a List

I am a person who enjoys making lists.

I like to make lists of things I need to do...

things I dislike...

things I strongly like...

things I need to write...

places I need to go...

things I need to buy.

They bring me much pleasure and fulfilment.

But the other day I caught myself making a list of something that even I thought was a bit strange:
Things I want/need to blog about.

I've been jotting down notes about interesting things I experience that I want to blog about. Things during my day, weekend, funny story, etc.
As of right now, here are some of the things on my blog list:

* Bibi and I hanging out on Saturday.
* My missing camera.
* Jorge Bracy.
* Having OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

Hopefully I get to blog about all of these things...and if I don't at least you know what's been on my mind.

1 comment:

Bibi said...

HURRY I want to read them!!