Monday, May 21, 2007

Out of the mouth of Howard**

Jessica: So what have you been up to?

Howard: Nothing much.

Jessica: What did you do today?

Howard: Just watched some tv, danced a little, took a shower and then came to work.

Howard was referring to his new hobby, "Dance, Dance Revolution". I never thought I would ever hear Howard utter the words "I danced a little" in casual conversation.

If you read this and aren't laughing...maybe we shouldn't be friends...I laughed for days...and am actually laughing (out loud) right now as I type this...and have laughed every time I have thought about posting this.

**This phrase didn't actually come out of Howard's mouth but he did IM it. So whenever I think of it, I imagine his voice saying the words in his monotone form. It makes it even funnier...try it.

1 comment:

Bibi said...

LingOL!!!! I would love to hear him say "I danced a little" LOL