Thursday, May 10, 2007

Kind-Of Road Trip

Tomorrow morning Janette, Angie, Bibi and I head out to Perris Lake.
We're visiting and seeing if it would be a good candidate for this year's Annual Camp.
From what I saw on the net and heard from the guy I spoke with...I think it will be perfect, but we still need to double check.

So what happens when you have to go out somewhere and visit a site? You invite a group of the funnest girls you've ever met.

Although this isn't officially a road trip (Perris Lake is only an hour and a half away) it should at least take half the day to get there, visit, talk to the rep and come back.

I'm excited to see the girls and hang out. It's times like this when I really love my job:)


Anonymous said...

when is the camp?

Jessica Torres said...

Aug. 10-12