Tuesday, February 19, 2008

ABS-olute Pain

I posted, earlier this week, that I wore a new pair or one-size-too-small-jeans.

I wore them from around 8am until 9pm...all Sunday.

They were tight at the waist, but I managed...hoping I'd loosed them a bit, for the next time I'd wear them.

So I get up on Monday morning and have major trouble tightening my abs (to get out of bed). My stomach hurts as if I'd been working my abs out all Sunday.

Then it hits me...

my pants!

My abs still hurt today...

everytime I get up, lean over, make any type of movement that invloves my abdominals...pain.

Seriously, I never thought that could happen.


Anonymous said...

u should've ran around the tracks or do something so you don't loose track of ur whole working out thingy just because ur class was cancelled...

Allison said...

Do you think you bruised your insides?

Jessica Torres said...


I totally think I did!