It's gotten me through some tough times, lonely times, happy times, educational times, funny times...
It's been there.
Sometimes characters can say what I'm feeling way better than me, sometimes I escape into their lives when my own it too hard to face, sometimes I like that my life doesn't get as complicated as theirs does...
I blame PBS, long vacations at home, TV on DVD, amazing writing, great acting...
I love TV and there's nothing wrong with that.
Sometimes I read good books during commercial breaks, balance my checkbook while flipping channels, clean my room while listening to a familiar episode, organize/make to-do lists/brainstorm because an episode reminded me of something really important. I get everything done...even if I watch TV.
TV's gotten a bad rap.
Here's what's up: TV doesn't fry your brain. The kind of TV you watch fries your brain. If you have good taste in TV then TV enhances your life, teaches you something new, makes you laugh and even brings you comfort.
TV is my friend...
and friends stand up for friends.
This is brilliant.
I love TV too.
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