#1 Go to Invasion.
#2 Do a little Target shopping.
#3 Get a little cleaning out of the way.
#4 Get tires changed.
#5 Spend time with my family.
#6 Hang out with missed friends.
#7 Weekend services.
#8 Buy new camera.
#9 Rest.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Some Thoughts on Jeans
* They are comfortable
* They are easy to coordinate with just about anything
* The fit so well
* They are my favorite color: blue
* They can make anyone's booty look good
* I can't wear them to work unless it's Friday...BOO!
* They are easy to coordinate with just about anything
* The fit so well
* They are my favorite color: blue
* They can make anyone's booty look good
* I can't wear them to work unless it's Friday...BOO!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Picture of the Week Vol.2
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I wanted to retreat from the retreat...
Okay...so last weekend our entire church leadership (adults, students, pretty much anyone who does anything in the church) went out to Hemet for a one day retreat. And to be quite honest I would have much rathered stayed home with my family. But there are times when one must do what one must do...so to Hemet we went!
Everyone went in their own car and many people carpooled including me! In my car was Bibi, Howard, Evelyn, Janette and I.
The day began with me peeling myself out of my bed and showering reluctantly while Janette and Bibi got to my house. The three of us headed out to pick up Evelyn and then on to the 60 to pick up Howard. We call Howard to find out how exactly to get to his house (since he hasn't had us over since he moved there)...he didn't pick up...33 un-answered phone calls later...we gave up on the fact he would be awake (please refer to LATE-ly post for details on Howard's timeliness). So we decide to wake Aaron Li up and ask him for directions to Howard's. Strangely enough Li is as gracious as he's ever been and helps us out.
We miraculously find his house and knock on the door to find out that Howard's mom just woke him up 5 minutes before we got there. So we proceed to see Grace's (Howard's mom) art, read her testimony and even see a picture of Howard as a little boy. Howard comes down, checks my car, and we are off.
We stop by McDonald's for breakfast because we knew we were going to be late for breakfast at the retreat. We get lost for a while and then finally we arrive to the retreat at the end of the worship...but right before the opening message.
As we walk in...an overwhelming scent of armpit and moisture fills our nostrils...so much that some gagging occurs. We come to find out, that out of respect for the location owners, we have to take our shoes off before entering the sanctuary. This news explains the smells.
We proceed to be bored and distracted during the message. This boredom pushes Evelyn, Howard and Bibi to construct this abstract collage on the backside of the pew that is in front of them.
Evelyn is so excited about her creation!
During our afternoon break (3 hours long) we found nothing better to do but play Taboo in the nursery.
Of course Janette, Cookie and I won :)
While we were playing Howard and some of the students climbed rocks.
We ended up leaving early and went to Chipotle for dinner. Here are Janette's and my half burritos making one whole friendship.
After Chipotle we got free frozen yogurt at the new Golden Spoon that was opening up next door.
Everyone went in their own car and many people carpooled including me! In my car was Bibi, Howard, Evelyn, Janette and I.
The day began with me peeling myself out of my bed and showering reluctantly while Janette and Bibi got to my house. The three of us headed out to pick up Evelyn and then on to the 60 to pick up Howard. We call Howard to find out how exactly to get to his house (since he hasn't had us over since he moved there)...he didn't pick up...33 un-answered phone calls later...we gave up on the fact he would be awake (please refer to LATE-ly post for details on Howard's timeliness). So we decide to wake Aaron Li up and ask him for directions to Howard's. Strangely enough Li is as gracious as he's ever been and helps us out.
We miraculously find his house and knock on the door to find out that Howard's mom just woke him up 5 minutes before we got there. So we proceed to see Grace's (Howard's mom) art, read her testimony and even see a picture of Howard as a little boy. Howard comes down, checks my car, and we are off.
We stop by McDonald's for breakfast because we knew we were going to be late for breakfast at the retreat. We get lost for a while and then finally we arrive to the retreat at the end of the worship...but right before the opening message.
As we walk in...an overwhelming scent of armpit and moisture fills our nostrils...so much that some gagging occurs. We come to find out, that out of respect for the location owners, we have to take our shoes off before entering the sanctuary. This news explains the smells.
We proceed to be bored and distracted during the message. This boredom pushes Evelyn, Howard and Bibi to construct this abstract collage on the backside of the pew that is in front of them.

The best part of the whole day was driving back with my best friends...it was amazing...THEY are amazing.
Weekly Prayer #11
Here are some spiritual goals I am setting for myself:
1) To put God's Word into practice.
"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." James 2:17
2) To fall more in love with God and His Word.
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'"Matthew 22:37
3) To grow in my H.A.B.I.T.S. (Hang time with God, Accountability, Bible Memorization, Involvement in the Church Body, Tithes and Offering, Studying Scripture)
I want to grow in these things; if you happen to read this I would appreciate your prayers.
What are some goals you might need prayer in?
1) To put God's Word into practice.
"In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." James 2:17
2) To fall more in love with God and His Word.
"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'"Matthew 22:37
3) To grow in my H.A.B.I.T.S. (Hang time with God, Accountability, Bible Memorization, Involvement in the Church Body, Tithes and Offering, Studying Scripture)
I want to grow in these things; if you happen to read this I would appreciate your prayers.
What are some goals you might need prayer in?
Two of my Favorite People in the World

I met Chris and Tina about a year and a half ago. And ever since we started a friendship/mentorship, my life hasn't been the same.
Some thoughts on Chris:
* He is so wise.
* He is such an encourager.
* He loves God so much.
* He makes you feel like a million bucks.
* He cares about people.
* He is so giving.
* He makes me laugh.
* He serves God with all of his heart.
Some thoughts on Tina:
* She is like a breath of fresh air.
* She is a woman of prayer.
* She always has so much wisdom to share.
* She is so loving.
* She is generous.
* She is a great friend.
* She loves/knows God's Word.
* She constantly wants the best for me and everyone else around her.
(note: these are just some thoughts...I could literally be here all day talking about these two amazing people)
I love them so much.
Not only because they constantly give me their love and encouragement, but because God has used them in a tremendous way in my life. Every time I leave their presence I feel God all over the place...I feel a sense of love, care and encouragement from them as well as my heavenly Father.
Chris and Tina have done something in my life that I have never experienced before. When I see their lives, family, ministry, etc...I see so much of their surrender to God, dependence upon Him that it makes me want to know and love God more too.
Not only is their encouragement a benefit to my ministry but it's an inspiration to my life as God's child. And the thought that God has brought them into my life is one that brings me to tears. God is so good.
I am so blessed to have people like this in my life, examples of what God wants us to strive to become.
This is why Chris and Tina are two of my favorite people in the whole world.
P.S. If you ever find a "Chris and Tina" of your own hold on to them and never let them go!
P.P.S. I hope that one day I can be a "Chris" or "Tina" to someone.
Check's in the mail, at my door, in my hand, cashed
I finally got my federal and state tax return checks this week.
And yes...I actually get to use them on stuff I need/want this year.
Here's the plan:
1) Pay tithes and offering.
2) Buy and install new tires for my truck.
3) Finally get a digital camera!!!!!
This makes me so excited......
If I have extra money I'd also like to go to the Melting Pot with Bibi. My treat!
And yes...I actually get to use them on stuff I need/want this year.
Here's the plan:
1) Pay tithes and offering.
2) Buy and install new tires for my truck.
3) Finally get a digital camera!!!!!
This makes me so excited......
If I have extra money I'd also like to go to the Melting Pot with Bibi. My treat!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Oh, She Brought It!

We (my mom and I, Dad was working) headed for the LBC-Long Beach City College Gymnasium to be exact-and found out that cheer leading is some serious business! The line to get in was wrapped around the block! There had to be at least 200-300 people there! Luckily we cut in where my sister was; all the way in the front.
There was so much excitement and all the veteran cheerleaders kept yelling out chants and doing flips...it was cute. Lillian is in a small newbie squad so this was their first time performing in front of such a large crowd...actually it was their first time performing. They have a great coach who apparently has MANY titles under her belt so she pumped them up.
We kept waving at her from the bleachers but she couldn't see us...I felt like if she didn't see us it would make her more nervous like we weren't there for her. After many groups doing their cheers/dances, her squad ("The Queens of La Mirada") went up. They were awesome and Lillian definitely shook her groove thang. I have never seen her do anything like that before. We were all so proud of her; especially because she's so shy.
Afterward we went to lunch at El Torito. Here are some pictures:
Friday, March 23, 2007
Can I Have a Side of Pitt with That?

Here's the historic BBQ restaurant located in Downey Ca.
Food is good, atmosphere is warm, service is charming, decent prices; I like it there.
There is only one thing that always gets to me whenever I go there or drive past the sign.
Why have the word "Pitts" in your restaurant name?
It isn't the most appetizing name, nor is it the most attractive. It actually makes me think that there might be some connection with underarms in their style of cooking.
Yesterday when we had lunch there I finally told Edgar, "Oh, I know why...it represents the fact that they BBQ in pitts, right?", his answer "Yeah, why not?".
Nothing will stop me from eating there...but still, why Pitts?
Oh, it's been broughten!
This Sunday is my niece Lillian's first cheer competition.
I can't wait...I will post an update and pictures next week!
I can't wait...I will post an update and pictures next week!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
So Natural-ized

Howard became a naturalized citizen today!!!!!
I took the morning off from work to go support him in his re-birth as an American.
It was very exciting! And I couldn't help but get a bit teary-eyed when I saw all those people attain something (that I am sure) they have waited so long for.
The fun part is, that they have the new citizens come out of the convention center in the most peculiar way. The officials set up two sets of yellow tape to "hold the crowds back" and everyone lines up on either side of the tape cheering and waving to the citizens as they walk out. It kind of reminded me of a marathon. Picture it, you're a brand new citizen and your prize is to walk out with a little plastic American flag in one hand, your naturalization certificate in the other while strangers either cheer for you or look before and after you as they seek out THEIR friend or relative. Yikes! Not something I would want to do. Especially because the "walk of fame" is at least 100 yards long.
We waited for so long to see Howard come out of the convention center but nothing. I tippy-toed to see over the crowds and try to spot him in the midst of the other 4, 800 people that were becoming citizens...nothing. Finally, after 1 hour of waiting, he came out...looking so proud, it was cute.
We took him to Chris n Pitts to have a real American lunch after becoming a real American citizen. He chose the steak and ribs, Edgar and I got baby back ribs with potatoes.
Today brought some things to mind:
*I am so thankful to have been born in the U.S.A.
*It's really exciting to go to an event like this!
*I feel really bad for not being able to make it to my mom's naturalization ceremony.
*Patriotism is a value rarely taught now a days-one that I greatly value (BTW).
*Wow, today was hot!
* I feel so privileged to be sharing this special day with Howard.
I took the morning off from work to go support him in his re-birth as an American.
It was very exciting! And I couldn't help but get a bit teary-eyed when I saw all those people attain something (that I am sure) they have waited so long for.
The fun part is, that they have the new citizens come out of the convention center in the most peculiar way. The officials set up two sets of yellow tape to "hold the crowds back" and everyone lines up on either side of the tape cheering and waving to the citizens as they walk out. It kind of reminded me of a marathon. Picture it, you're a brand new citizen and your prize is to walk out with a little plastic American flag in one hand, your naturalization certificate in the other while strangers either cheer for you or look before and after you as they seek out THEIR friend or relative. Yikes! Not something I would want to do. Especially because the "walk of fame" is at least 100 yards long.
We waited for so long to see Howard come out of the convention center but nothing. I tippy-toed to see over the crowds and try to spot him in the midst of the other 4, 800 people that were becoming citizens...nothing. Finally, after 1 hour of waiting, he came out...looking so proud, it was cute.
We took him to Chris n Pitts to have a real American lunch after becoming a real American citizen. He chose the steak and ribs, Edgar and I got baby back ribs with potatoes.
Today brought some things to mind:
*I am so thankful to have been born in the U.S.A.
*It's really exciting to go to an event like this!
*I feel really bad for not being able to make it to my mom's naturalization ceremony.
*Patriotism is a value rarely taught now a days-one that I greatly value (BTW).
*Wow, today was hot!
* I feel so privileged to be sharing this special day with Howard.
I've noticed a recent trend in the people around me lately. Maybe it isn't lately, maybe it's been going on for a while but I never really payed too much attention.
People have the habit of being really late all the time.
I know that people are usually late, but lately I have noticed excessive tardiness.
Today at lunch Edgar, Howard and I discussed the fact that Howard has had a bad run for the last couple of weeks. He's late to almost everything. And I mean LATE. Like hours late. Then Edgar started naming all the people in our ministry who are late to meetings, lunches, gatherings, etc. After going through the names we realized that at least 75% of the people in our ministry are late and only 25% are actually known for being punctual.
I thought...Why be late? What can you possibly be doing that keeps you from keeping your appointments, promises, schedule?
For all of you out there who have the habit of being late, I have some words for you:
We are all busy and have many things to do. You aren't the only one trying to do many things with your day. Have you ever thought that while you are late, the other person is just losing valuable time waiting for you? And the fact that they have to start their meeting/lunch/whatever with you late means that, they will probably be late to the next thing on their schedule. So you are making many people late with your tardiness. Please be considerate of others. Because when you are late what you are saying with your tardiness is: "I am more important than everyone else...deal with it."
Thank you. Now, I can go on with my life.
People have the habit of being really late all the time.
I know that people are usually late, but lately I have noticed excessive tardiness.
Today at lunch Edgar, Howard and I discussed the fact that Howard has had a bad run for the last couple of weeks. He's late to almost everything. And I mean LATE. Like hours late. Then Edgar started naming all the people in our ministry who are late to meetings, lunches, gatherings, etc. After going through the names we realized that at least 75% of the people in our ministry are late and only 25% are actually known for being punctual.
I thought...Why be late? What can you possibly be doing that keeps you from keeping your appointments, promises, schedule?
For all of you out there who have the habit of being late, I have some words for you:
We are all busy and have many things to do. You aren't the only one trying to do many things with your day. Have you ever thought that while you are late, the other person is just losing valuable time waiting for you? And the fact that they have to start their meeting/lunch/whatever with you late means that, they will probably be late to the next thing on their schedule. So you are making many people late with your tardiness. Please be considerate of others. Because when you are late what you are saying with your tardiness is: "I am more important than everyone else...deal with it."
Thank you. Now, I can go on with my life.
Picture of the Week Vol.1
A new segment for my blog.
Today I initiate a new segment titled "Picture of the Week".
It will be my favorite picture taken for that week.
Here's this week's picture. Taken at Mulligan's this Sunday.
It's so adorable. Angie was so excited when she saw this loop. And her golf ball was the only one that made it all the way around!
Go Angie!!!!
P.S. My ball made it half way and then pathetically fell to the AstroTurf :(
Today I initiate a new segment titled "Picture of the Week".
It will be my favorite picture taken for that week.
Here's this week's picture. Taken at Mulligan's this Sunday.
It's so adorable. Angie was so excited when she saw this loop. And her golf ball was the only one that made it all the way around!

P.S. My ball made it half way and then pathetically fell to the AstroTurf :(
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Ode to Mulligan
Before I tell you about what happened at Mulligan's I feel compelled to give you a bit of my small group history. Our "small group" has 20 members, which is why we haven't been able to go on a successful outing, which is why I needed major car help to get to our final destination, which makes this outing (that was out in Torrance) a miracle.
Okay, now for my Ode to Mulligan:
Last Sunday, all 22 of us headed out of the church parking lot at about 1:45pm (almost 20 minutes late) and got to Mulligan's at about 2:20pm. When we got there (this-our safe arrival-, was as exciting as the actual time at Mulligan's) I found out that the package that was sold to us was meant for children (8-9 year old's) which limited the number of attractions our students could enjoy. Of course many were disappointed, but thankfully we pulled through and just decided to make the best out of it.
Here are a couple of pictures to highlight the most exciting parts of the day.
Because Howard always wants to be ready he took a look at the map of the grounds.
I'm almost positive that the entire location was probably as big as 2 of our church parking lots :)
First we headed for the batting cages. Gus and I decided to pose for a baseball card-esque picture...just in case we ever had an opportunity to go into the major leagues. BTW, On Monday morning I woke up with the sorest arms ever. There were parts of my arms that hurt that I never even knew existed!
After that we did a little laser tag which didn't end well for my team. I did have two little boys on my team (whom I had never met before) that proceeded to give us the game plan saying that Elizabeth and I would be defense and the rest of the boys would be shooters. Needless to say, we aborted the game plan soon after the game began. Which is probably why we lost. Sorry, no pics of laser tag.
Of course not everyone took mini golfing as seriously as us. Here are Caro and Alex in what appears to be a wannabe sword fight.
Okay, now for my Ode to Mulligan:
Last Sunday, all 22 of us headed out of the church parking lot at about 1:45pm (almost 20 minutes late) and got to Mulligan's at about 2:20pm. When we got there (this-our safe arrival-, was as exciting as the actual time at Mulligan's) I found out that the package that was sold to us was meant for children (8-9 year old's) which limited the number of attractions our students could enjoy. Of course many were disappointed, but thankfully we pulled through and just decided to make the best out of it.
Here are a couple of pictures to highlight the most exciting parts of the day.
Because Howard always wants to be ready he took a look at the map of the grounds.
I'm almost positive that the entire location was probably as big as 2 of our church parking lots :)

But the following pictures should make up for the lack of the laser tag pics.
We needed to relax after laser tag so we went to the miniature golf course and engaged in a lean battle for the mini golf "invisible" trophy. Angie and I (team Italia-because of my sweatshirt)went up against German and Janette (team German E.-because of German's name). They were fierce competition but still not strong enough to take us on!
Our victory was exciting but one scary moment during our mini golf adventure was facing a very realistic haunted house. Pictured below.
Not only did it look scary, but scary noises came from the interior of the house, too. Like creaking, cats meowing, people screaming, children crying, etc. Here's the best part, a bit after we completed the first part of the haunted house hole I saw 4 year old kids running up to the house, knocking on the door, not scared at all. Needless to say, I was still scared every time I heard a noise come from the direction of the house. There was even a graveyard next to the house which made Angie and I uneasy. Who has a graveyard as part of a mini golf course? Apparently Mulligan's does.

Friday, March 16, 2007
Little League
The charming little man pictured below is my nephew Jeremy. Jeremy is 4 years old-about to turn 5 on May 4th-and he just started to play t-ball with a league in his city. These are pictures from his first game.

Whenever we ask him what position he plays he says, "cena feeud" AKA "center field".
He loves to play.
I learned that children's sports aren't too bad. They're actually kinda fun. I did observe some things while out on the field.
Here's Jeremy, ready for the big game!

Scoping out the field.

Whenever we ask him what position he plays he says, "cena feeud" AKA "center field".

He loves to play.

Things that 3-5 year old's like to do while playing t-ball:
#1 Pick their noses.
#2 Cry when they don't get things their way.
#3 Pick their murfs.
#4 Wave at their parents from the out field.
#5 Run after the ball (even if it isn't anywhere near them), then do a doggie pile on top of the ball until someone finally gets a hold of it and throws it to home plate.
It was fun, and I can't believe Jeremy is actually playing an organized sport! I am so proud of him! He is growing up so fast.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
From 100 to 300

It was the second time that Edgar got to chose the movie (I usually get to pick the movie when we go out to the theater). The first one he ever chose was Van Helsing like 300 hundred years ago. I think that movie went into VHS retirement even before DVDs became mainstream.
Anyway, we saw it and I'm going to attempt to do a review of it.
-Good story line (interesting and took new, different turns).
-Attractive, Spartan, bare chested warriors on the screen for 89% of the movie.
-A love story weaved in between the fighting.
-Cool slow motion moments.
-Had me on the edge of my seat...like I was really in the middle of the battle.
-Evoked emotion in me (tenderness, fear, anger, you get the idea).
-Had some racy "physical" scenes.
-Expressed every one of the deadly sins through the course of the movie.
-Had some "why don't we look away" moments.
For a manly movie...it was good, but I left thinking:
"Why are Spartans speaking English? And why are they speaking it with an English accent? And why is it that any time a movie that is situated in a foreign land the characters speak perfect English with an English accent? Shouldn't they speak in their native tongue? And if they can't because then we (the viewers) won't understand them, shouldn't they at least speak English with an accent from their native country?".
I give it a B-.
Hundred.Cien.Cent.Hundert.Centinaio.сотня.Het honderd.Cem.Hundre.百

In honor of my HUNDREDTH post; the title of this post contains the word hundred translated into 10 different languages.
See if you can guess which word is in which language. The languages included are...
1. Norwegian
2. Spanish
3. Italian
4. English
5. Chinese
6. Russian
7. Portuguese
8. German
9. Dutch
10. French
Can you do it? With no outside help? I dare you.
See if you can guess which word is in which language. The languages included are...
1. Norwegian
2. Spanish
3. Italian
4. English
5. Chinese
6. Russian
7. Portuguese
8. German
9. Dutch
10. French
Can you do it? With no outside help? I dare you.
P.S. I have no idea who the man pictured above is...if you do, you can get bonus points! Even if I don't know him...he sure does look happy for me and my hundredth post:)
Do You See What I See?
This is what I see when I come in to work everyday. It's my new desktop. It's Baby Don.
He's my 4 month old nephew...and there are times when just thinking of how much I love him (and my other two-Jeremy and Lillian) makes me tear up. Just looking at this today reminds me of how good God is. That he would give me such a beautiful family. I don't think I have ever loved my family as much as I do today. It shows me that God is helping for my small, inconsistent love to grow and flourish into a minimal image of His amazing love. I hope to love my family even more as years go by. That one day I can love them beyond measure...just as He loves me...because they deserve that and so much more.
Do you see what I see in this picture?
God's perfect love.

Do you see what I see in this picture?
God's perfect love.
Weekly Prayer #9
Please help me to know what it is that I need to do. What it is that You would have me to do. There are many things that come into my life. Demanding that I do them. I don't want to do things because they just present themselves before me. I want to do things because You want me to do them. I have two jobs, school, family, friends, ministry, myself and all of those things are important to me. I don't want to ignore any area. I know that you can help me achieve this.
Thank you:)
Your Daughter
Please help me to know what it is that I need to do. What it is that You would have me to do. There are many things that come into my life. Demanding that I do them. I don't want to do things because they just present themselves before me. I want to do things because You want me to do them. I have two jobs, school, family, friends, ministry, myself and all of those things are important to me. I don't want to ignore any area. I know that you can help me achieve this.
Thank you:)
Your Daughter
I had a pretty jammed packed yesterday.
Here's the low-down:
*Went in to work (at church) at 8:30am.
*It was my turn to do the morning devotional.
*Cookie was in, so we did Children's Ministry things for the better part of the morning.
*Searched for a Student Ministry retreat location.
*Shopped for some things that we needed for the weekend.
*Picked up In-N-Out for lunch.
*Worked on tons of paperwork until about 3:30pm.
*My sister, Lillian, Jeremy and Baby Don stopped by the office so I could make a couple copies of a CD for them (for Lillian's cheer competition).
*Tons of phone calls came in all at once.
*Did a quick work overview with Cookie before I left.
*Searched for some stuff online my sister needed.
*Saved all of my sister's pictures from her camera into my computer.
*Did this stuff while trying to spend time with my sister and the kids (so nice to see them while at work).
*Walked them out and headed for my tutoring job.
*Got to Laura's (my students' mom) house at around 4:20pm.
*Tutored until 7:20pm.
*Rushed home in time to hang with my sister, the kids, my mom and dad.
*Had dinner and talked/laughed with them.
*Edgar picked me up at 9:30pm.
*Got to Edward's right after the 9:30pm show of 300 began.
*Saw 300.
*Got home at 11:45pm.
*Talked to Edgar on the phone.
*12:10am...to sleep.
Here's the low-down:
*Went in to work (at church) at 8:30am.
*It was my turn to do the morning devotional.
*Cookie was in, so we did Children's Ministry things for the better part of the morning.
*Searched for a Student Ministry retreat location.
*Shopped for some things that we needed for the weekend.
*Picked up In-N-Out for lunch.
*Worked on tons of paperwork until about 3:30pm.
*My sister, Lillian, Jeremy and Baby Don stopped by the office so I could make a couple copies of a CD for them (for Lillian's cheer competition).
*Tons of phone calls came in all at once.
*Did a quick work overview with Cookie before I left.
*Searched for some stuff online my sister needed.
*Saved all of my sister's pictures from her camera into my computer.
*Did this stuff while trying to spend time with my sister and the kids (so nice to see them while at work).
*Walked them out and headed for my tutoring job.
*Got to Laura's (my students' mom) house at around 4:20pm.
*Tutored until 7:20pm.
*Rushed home in time to hang with my sister, the kids, my mom and dad.
*Had dinner and talked/laughed with them.
*Edgar picked me up at 9:30pm.
*Got to Edward's right after the 9:30pm show of 300 began.
*Saw 300.
*Got home at 11:45pm.
*Talked to Edgar on the phone.
*12:10am...to sleep.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
More Job=Less Blog?
Since I now have another job and still no computer at home, it's more than likely that blogging will become a greater challenge for me.
But fear not!
I will strive to quench your blogging thirst...no matter what it takes.
This is just a heads up!
But fear not!
I will strive to quench your blogging thirst...no matter what it takes.
This is just a heads up!
Me: Miss. Torres
Yesterday I started my brand new job.
After finishing up here at church I head three blocks over to one of our Sunday school teachers' house and tutor her 3 kids from 4:15-7:15pm Monday through Thursday.
I was a little hesitant to get the job but after a little persuasion from my mom I decided to do it. And if yesterday is any indication of how it will go...I'm glad I decided to go for it.
I forgot how much fun spending time with kids was. The kids I'm tutoring are in 2nd, 4th and 6th grade; so it's this perfect balance of ages.
For most of my college years all I did was work with kids: teacher's aide, substitute teacher, reading tutor, after school program tutor...it's funny, but yesterday I realized how much I missed that part of my life. Spending time with kids: one on one.
Needless to say, I am enjoying my new job and am happy to be able to help one of our teachers and her kids.
Don't get me wrong, I love my job at church. It just seems that I end up spending more time with adults, than with kids/students at times. It's nice to revisit my life as a teacher :), even if it is for only 12 hours a week.
Side Note: I was used to hearing myself being called "Miss. Torres" for so long that now after not being called that for such a long time...it felt weird to type it. Funny huh?
After finishing up here at church I head three blocks over to one of our Sunday school teachers' house and tutor her 3 kids from 4:15-7:15pm Monday through Thursday.
I was a little hesitant to get the job but after a little persuasion from my mom I decided to do it. And if yesterday is any indication of how it will go...I'm glad I decided to go for it.
I forgot how much fun spending time with kids was. The kids I'm tutoring are in 2nd, 4th and 6th grade; so it's this perfect balance of ages.
For most of my college years all I did was work with kids: teacher's aide, substitute teacher, reading tutor, after school program tutor...it's funny, but yesterday I realized how much I missed that part of my life. Spending time with kids: one on one.
Needless to say, I am enjoying my new job and am happy to be able to help one of our teachers and her kids.
Don't get me wrong, I love my job at church. It just seems that I end up spending more time with adults, than with kids/students at times. It's nice to revisit my life as a teacher :), even if it is for only 12 hours a week.
Side Note: I was used to hearing myself being called "Miss. Torres" for so long that now after not being called that for such a long time...it felt weird to type it. Funny huh?
Monday, March 12, 2007
It's past 4:30pm and I still haven't had any food today...I'm hungry.
I'm on my way to get some grub!
I'm on my way to get some grub!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Knott's Pee Report
WARNING: This WILL be a long post...read at your own risk!!!
Last week I prayed that the Jaguar line at Knott's wouldn't smell like pee.
Well, I went and conquered...here's the report:
For Val's 14th we went to Knott's Berry Farm this Wednesday.
We had a couple of goals in mind for this trip.
#1 To celebrate Val and her awesome-ness.
#2 To get all the scaredy-cats on the "big" rides.
#3 To just have a fun, relaxing, "hookie" day.
Here are some of the highlights (in pictures):
We headed over to the bumper carts after that...as you can tell from the photos...we meant business!

Here's Evelyn before she got on Boomerang. The suspense was killing her...literally.

Here's Howard...on our way to the Silver Bullet AKA the ride that made half the kids sick and one throw up.
Last week I prayed that the Jaguar line at Knott's wouldn't smell like pee.
Well, I went and conquered...here's the report:
For Val's 14th we went to Knott's Berry Farm this Wednesday.
We had a couple of goals in mind for this trip.
#1 To celebrate Val and her awesome-ness.
#2 To get all the scaredy-cats on the "big" rides.
#3 To just have a fun, relaxing, "hookie" day.
Here are some of the highlights (in pictures):
The Scrambler was dizzy, but fun...not vomit or gagging involved...yet. Here's the bday girl with Alex.

Here's Evelyn before she got on Boomerang. The suspense was killing her...literally.

Here's Howard...on our way to the Silver Bullet AKA the ride that made half the kids sick and one throw up.
Here's what I had!
Weekly Prayer #8
Dear Lord,
Today I will not ask, but instead thank.
Thank you for:
Today I will not ask, but instead thank.
Thank you for:
- Mom
- Dad
- Sister
- Niece
- Nephews
- Evelyn
- Bibi
- Howard
- Edgar
- Janette
- Damaris
- More friends than I could ever want
- Life
- Food
- Disneyland
- Laughs
- Smiles
Just a couple of things I wanted to let you know I appreciated.
Thursday, March 8, 2007

Howard passed and will be sworn in as a US Citizen in two weeks!
Great job Howard! Now you won't get held back at immigration!
Dear reader,
I haven't posted much this week.
Actually, I was out of the office for the past two days which means I had little to no access to a computer.
But I'm back!
Actually, I was out of the office for the past two days which means I had little to no access to a computer.
But I'm back!
Name: Jessica
This morning Bibi emailed me the following message. I thought it was pretty cool, she said she found it on some website while she was taking a break from homework.
Take a look: (hers is first, mine is second)
Your First Name of: Bibiana
Though the name Bibiana creates the urge to understand and help others, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems.
Your name of Bibiana makes you easy-going and refined, but detracts from your physical vitality.
You desire all the finer things in life--lovely clothes, home, furniture, and environment.
However, procrastination is your worst enemy, and you find yourself lacking the ambition to make your dreams a reality often because of lack of confidence.
People are inclined to take advantage of your sympathetic, tractable nature.
You naturally attract people with problems who seek your understanding and advice.
Your First Name of: Jessica
Although the name Jessica creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it frustrates you through a scattered and emotional nature.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the liver, bloodstream, and through worry and mental tension.
Your first name of Jessica has given you a responsible, expressive, inspirational, and friendly personality.
Expression comes naturally to you and you are rarely at a loss for words; in fact, you have to put forth effort at times to curb an over-active tongue.
Self-confidence has made it easy for you to meet people and you are well-liked for your spontaneous, happy ways.
You sincerely like people and do not often experience loneliness; your work and home-life are likely filled with association.
So many of the things that were on there for my name were right on...kind of scary. Here are the scariest:
1. I have a scattered and emotional behavior. (I like to think that I have an emotionally scattered existence)
2. I make myself sick because I get worried. Yikes! (I find this one hard to believe)
3. Everything in between "Your first name of Jessica" and "likely filled with association" are pretty much true of me.
I wonder what your name means.
Take a look: (hers is first, mine is second)
Your First Name of: Bibiana
Though the name Bibiana creates the urge to understand and help others, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems.
Your name of Bibiana makes you easy-going and refined, but detracts from your physical vitality.
You desire all the finer things in life--lovely clothes, home, furniture, and environment.
However, procrastination is your worst enemy, and you find yourself lacking the ambition to make your dreams a reality often because of lack of confidence.
People are inclined to take advantage of your sympathetic, tractable nature.
You naturally attract people with problems who seek your understanding and advice.
Your First Name of: Jessica
Although the name Jessica creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it frustrates you through a scattered and emotional nature.
This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the liver, bloodstream, and through worry and mental tension.
Your first name of Jessica has given you a responsible, expressive, inspirational, and friendly personality.
Expression comes naturally to you and you are rarely at a loss for words; in fact, you have to put forth effort at times to curb an over-active tongue.
Self-confidence has made it easy for you to meet people and you are well-liked for your spontaneous, happy ways.
You sincerely like people and do not often experience loneliness; your work and home-life are likely filled with association.
So many of the things that were on there for my name were right on...kind of scary. Here are the scariest:
1. I have a scattered and emotional behavior. (I like to think that I have an emotionally scattered existence)
2. I make myself sick because I get worried. Yikes! (I find this one hard to believe)
3. Everything in between "Your first name of Jessica" and "likely filled with association" are pretty much true of me.
I wonder what your name means.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Sleep "Not" Over
Last Saturday Bibi slept over at my house.
And when I say sleep-over I mean sleep-over.
We went to Albertson's to pick up some ice cream and cheese, headed over to my house, put on some Grey's, warmed some pretzels, watched two episodes (while eating ice cream and pretzels w/ cheese) and by 12:30am we were out.
It felt strange to go to bed so early when you have a friend over.
But we couldn't help it...we were just so tired.
Funny...we really are getting older.
We can still stay up later that our high school girls, though :)
And when I say sleep-over I mean sleep-over.
We went to Albertson's to pick up some ice cream and cheese, headed over to my house, put on some Grey's, warmed some pretzels, watched two episodes (while eating ice cream and pretzels w/ cheese) and by 12:30am we were out.
It felt strange to go to bed so early when you have a friend over.
But we couldn't help it...we were just so tired.
Funny...we really are getting older.
We can still stay up later that our high school girls, though :)
Friday, March 2, 2007
Weekly Prayer #7
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