Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ode to Mulligan

Before I tell you about what happened at Mulligan's I feel compelled to give you a bit of my small group history. Our "small group" has 20 members, which is why we haven't been able to go on a successful outing, which is why I needed major car help to get to our final destination, which makes this outing (that was out in Torrance) a miracle.
Okay, now for my Ode to Mulligan:

Last Sunday, all 22 of us headed out of the church parking lot at about 1:45pm (almost 20 minutes late) and got to Mulligan's at about 2:20pm. When we got there (this-our safe arrival-, was as exciting as the actual time at Mulligan's) I found out that the package that was sold to us was meant for children (8-9 year old's) which limited the number of attractions our students could enjoy. Of course many were disappointed, but thankfully we pulled through and just decided to make the best out of it.
Here are a couple of pictures to highlight the most exciting parts of the day.

Because Howard always wants to be ready he took a look at the map of the grounds.
I'm almost positive that the entire location was probably as big as 2 of our church parking lots :)
First we headed for the batting cages. Gus and I decided to pose for a baseball card-esque picture...just in case we ever had an opportunity to go into the major leagues. BTW, On Monday morning I woke up with the sorest arms ever. There were parts of my arms that hurt that I never even knew existed!
After that we did a little laser tag which didn't end well for my team. I did have two little boys on my team (whom I had never met before) that proceeded to give us the game plan saying that Elizabeth and I would be defense and the rest of the boys would be shooters. Needless to say, we aborted the game plan soon after the game began. Which is probably why we lost. Sorry, no pics of laser tag.
But the following pictures should make up for the lack of the laser tag pics.
We needed to relax after laser tag so we went to the miniature golf course and engaged in a lean battle for the mini golf "invisible" trophy. Angie and I (team Italia-because of my sweatshirt)went up against German and Janette (team German E.-because of German's name). They were fierce competition but still not strong enough to take us on!
Our victory was exciting but one scary moment during our mini golf adventure was facing a very realistic haunted house. Pictured below.Not only did it look scary, but scary noises came from the interior of the house, too. Like creaking, cats meowing, people screaming, children crying, etc. Here's the best part, a bit after we completed the first part of the haunted house hole I saw 4 year old kids running up to the house, knocking on the door, not scared at all. Needless to say, I was still scared every time I heard a noise come from the direction of the house. There was even a graveyard next to the house which made Angie and I uneasy. Who has a graveyard as part of a mini golf course? Apparently Mulligan's does.
Of course not everyone took mini golfing as seriously as us. Here are Caro and Alex in what appears to be a wannabe sword fight.
Here we are, after completing the course. Our competitive spirit was hard to drop.
He had our traditional road trip In-N-Out lunch (I had a #2 and extra order of fries with a Dr. Pepper...I know...Dr. Pepper? Where's the Coke? you ask. I was feeling adventurous after my victory.

Here's everyone!
I had so much fun and I know that all the students had fun too.
Needless to say, it'll just be a while before my small group goes out again :)
If you are already asleep by now...please don't complain, this post was extra long because I haven't posted in 4 days.


Bibi said...

Wow!!! It sounds like a lot of fun! I wish I was there too!!

Jessica Torres said...

I wish you were there!!!