Thursday, March 22, 2007


I've noticed a recent trend in the people around me lately. Maybe it isn't lately, maybe it's been going on for a while but I never really payed too much attention.

People have the habit of being really late all the time.
I know that people are usually late, but lately I have noticed excessive tardiness.

Today at lunch Edgar, Howard and I discussed the fact that Howard has had a bad run for the last couple of weeks. He's late to almost everything. And I mean LATE. Like hours late. Then Edgar started naming all the people in our ministry who are late to meetings, lunches, gatherings, etc. After going through the names we realized that at least 75% of the people in our ministry are late and only 25% are actually known for being punctual.

I thought...Why be late? What can you possibly be doing that keeps you from keeping your appointments, promises, schedule?

For all of you out there who have the habit of being late, I have some words for you:

We are all busy and have many things to do. You aren't the only one trying to do many things with your day. Have you ever thought that while you are late, the other person is just losing valuable time waiting for you? And the fact that they have to start their meeting/lunch/whatever with you late means that, they will probably be late to the next thing on their schedule. So you are making many people late with your tardiness. Please be considerate of others. Because when you are late what you are saying with your tardiness is: "I am more important than everyone with it."

Thank you. Now, I can go on with my life.


Bibi said...

So, German and I hope we're in the 25%!!

Jessica Torres said...

You are...that is why I love you! rock!