Last night Bibi and I saw "Little Miss Sunshine".
I bought it a couple of weeks ago but never had the time to sit down and watch it. So yesterday at 11pm we saw it.
It was GREAT!
Bibi warned me to not have such high expectations, fearing that I would end up disappointed. But I did have high expectations and all of those were met.
I love the fact that it resonated so deeply with the family. What an amazing reminder of how amazing families are. With the quirks, problems, shortcomings, twists and turns that life takes...your family is there...like it or not...and they are a source of faithfulness and stability in your life.
One part almost made me cry...when the Grandpa was telling Olive she was beautiful.
P.S. Watch "Little Miss Sunshine", it will make your day brighter! I'm watching it again tonight.
i will think about it
It's a good movie!
German I'm not sure this movie is for you, I have the feeling a lot of it will just go over your head but sure think about it.
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