Friday, June 1, 2007

From the Desk of Bibi Bracy

Yesterday I noticed that someone left Bibi a note/card on her desk. Since it was the front cover of the note/card I took the liberty of reading it (not the inside, just the outside part).

Here is what it read (exactly):

Dont get tire of
doing what its right,
make the most of
every opportunity.
The time will come when
you'll harvest what you
had sow...

This is who I am:
Did I notice the biblical message in the text? NO
Did I praise the author for writing words of the Lord? NO
Did say something like, "Aw, how sweet!"? NO

My response was:
"Who the heck wrote this? I'm not making fun of them per se, but mostly feeling disappointed in our California School Systems. How could someone graduate from high school writing like this? Where did we go wrong? This is what has moved me to become a teacher."

I know who wrote this (I recognized the writing) and yes I think that the fact they wrote like this is funny (I laughed a little bit). But it actually makes me feel sad that tons of people graduate from high school with poor grammar and poor writing abilities. Actually, they graduate with not even the basic ability to compile a proper phrase.

This is sad, funny, but sad too.


German E. Contreras said...

Was it Gus? Yeah that is sad but those are words of encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Tehre is nohting sad abuot taht....waht's sad is taht you're hadrcroe puting the encuorager dwon! Now whoever put taht note is going to need smoe encuoragement him/her self. I don't alawys hvae the pefrect gramamr, spelilng, or prpoer phrsae but as lnog as pepole undrestand me....taht's all I care....I'm srue Pedro graudated from hgih scohol too,but he will still tlak wtih the chunty accent and uses wrnog grammars... deos it matter? Napolean still unedrstood him AND he won the clsas presdient! Eductaion is impotrant to a certian degere, but it can not be use to guage one's abiliites. BTW...studies shwoed that wehn the human brian sees a misseplled wrod it can tranlsate the wrod to the corerct wrod 97% of the tmie as lnog as the frist and the lsat letetr of the wrod is corerct. So is spelilng all taht impotrant atfer all? j/k!

Jessica Torres said...


I understood it all except for "guage".

What's that?

Anonymous said...


–verb (used with object)
1. to determine the exact dimensions, capacity, quantity, or force of; measure.
2. to appraise, estimate, or judge.
3. to make conformable to a standard.
4. to mark or measure off; delineate.
5. to prepare or mix (plaster) with a definite proportion of plaster of Paris and mortar.
6. to chip or rub (bricks or stones) to a uniform size or shape.
7. a standard of measure or measurement.
8. a standard dimension, size, or quantity.
9. any device or instrument for measuring, registering measurements, or testing something, esp. for measuring a dimension, quantity, or mechanical accuracy: pressure gauge; marking gauge.
10. a means of estimating or judging.

Jessica Torres said...
