Friday, June 8, 2007

Step by Step

As many of you know (those who know me well), I love order.

I love to do things in order (one thing after another). I don't like to mix things up, but thoroughly enjoy clarity and neatness in all least in most things.

I noticed last night, as I was lying in bed and contemplating a shower, that I even take a shower with each "shower activity" being done in a particular order.

There is method to my madness (observe):

1. Hop in.
2. Do a full RINSE of the entire body.
3. Shampoo.
4. Condition hair.
5. Scrub in my hair de-tangler (let set in for the rest of the shower).
6. Brush teeth (yes, I brush my teeth while IN the shower).
7. Scrub all over with my loofah.
8. Apply shaving cream and shave (my legs and underarms, not my mustache or beard).
9. Do a full RINSE of the entire body.
10. Remember to rinse out all the de-tangler from my hair.

I do all these steps in this EXACT order every time I take a shower.

I know...border line OCD. If I don't do it this way...just doesn't seem right.


Anonymous said...

How did you take showers at our camping trip?

Jessica Torres said...

Quickly and effectively...out in 12 minutes!

I did a shorter version of the regular shower.

Anonymous said...

12 mins??? I took my sweet've seen the bag of coins I got....that hot shower in the AM sure feels great!...except when I walk out with my hair still wet....

Jessica Torres said...

hehehehehehe, crazy bag of quarters!

German E. Contreras said...

WOW!!! and I thought I was weird! jk I think that we all have those weird things that we have to do but thats too extreme!