As much as I may complain about things in my life: JOB, CHURCH, PROBLEMS, FINANCES, ETC.
There is so much that I have, that not many other people can say they have.
One of the things I have the privilege to have in my life are GOOD FRIENDS.
I know many people that want good friends, yet fail to get amazing, trustworthy, loving, supportive, non-egotistical people in their lives.
They struggle to not let these kinds of people into their lives; yet once they're in...they can't get them out.
I don't. I don't struggle to get the negative out. I have little to no negative. I have amazing, loving, encouraging, WOW people in my life.
I thought about this so much this week. And came up with a list of criteria/recommendations of what I think a good friend is. Of course this list is completely subjective and is in my own personal opinion, based on my friendships up to date. I may leave things out...but I will try my best to make the list concise, not repeat myself and do justice to my AMAZING friends-past and present.
1) HONEST: there is nothing like a friend who can tell you the truth...in the good and bad.
2) TRUSTWORTHY: a friend should be a vault...unless you are doing something really wrong!
3) FUN/FUNNY: to be a good friend you've gotta' be fun and make people laugh...if not, you only deserve the title of acquaintance.
4) ARGUE-ABLE: a person you can argue with about something you don't agree on, yet can still love you at the end of the argument.
5) TEAR WORTHY: you should be able to cry in front of a good friend without fear of criticism, condemnation or being made fun of.
6) COMPASSIONATE/PATIENT: it should be okay to tell your friend a really bad thing about yourself without thinking that they might judge you or see you differently because of your mistake or lack of good judgement.
7) SUPPORTIVE: even if you don't do what they want you to do.
8) LOVING: how big a difference one hug or smile can make!
9) FLEXIBLE: any time, any place...they are there.
10) SELFLESS: always looking out for the people around them before themselves and willing to just listen.
This is a short list...there is so much I have yet to write. So let's just consider this a PART ONE.
SOMETHING FOR MY FRIENDS: the ones who inspired this post.
HOWARD: When people say you are a quiet person it reminds me of how lucky I am to be one of the few that gets to listen to you when you really let it out. Thanks for arguing with me and still loving me the day after...sometimes there's no need to "clear things up" because we both know it's okay. You accept me, mistakes and all. You inspired #4 and #6.
JANETTE: We are definitely on the same wave length...and I can trust that...always. You never judge be based on my stupid comments but try to look deeper into my heart of hearts. Thanks for looking deeper, because the outside of me isn't always the greatest. You can also make me laugh like no one else! You inspired #2 and #3.
BIBI: You are one of the most giving people I've ever met. You listen to my madness to no end...and still find some way of helping me make sense of it all. I am so thankful that you're not afraid to help me see the truth and sometimes tell me, when I refuse to see it. You believe in me when I don't...that helps me move forward. You inspired #1 and #10.
DAMARIS: You have an amazing ability to love...just love and keep loving. When I'm with you I feel so loved, not only by you but by our Heavenly Father too. No matter what I chose to do with school, career, my life you always seem to be on my side. Encouraging me every step of the way, praying for me, thinking of me and that means so much to me. You inspired #7 and #8.
EDGAR: It's been a rocky road, but you've remained faithful to our friendship even through that road. You've been with me in the midst of tears and laughter, yet still you've never judged or changed your perception of me. Although a million other things/people have wanted your time...you've found ways to make me important to you. Thank you for that. You inspired #5 and #9.
Reading this sounds so cheesy...but it's true.
You all have these characteristics, but the ones you inspired, I think, are so REAL and unique to each one of you.
Thank you for being my friends.
~~~...And friends are friends forever...If the lords the lord of them...and a friend will not say never....cause the welcome will not end...~~~
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