We just finished...
On the menu:
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Caesar salad with dressing
Steamed veggies
Cranberry sauce
Wheat rolls
Lots of pie (I opted for pumpkin and wasn't disappointed)
Oh, and tons of sweet sparkling apple cider...yum!
Mostly slacks and button-ups for the men and jeans with jackets for the girls.
It was nice (once it was over), the during part was a bit awkward.
While we were cleaning up, things got really fun, here are the pictures (not everyone was here):

aaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww I want to cry! tears lots of tears, I remember last year lunch. It was so much fun. Who did the turkey this year? Hna. Abigail. I so wish I was there!!!!!
you guys look so happy, pareciera que no me estraƱan. Anyway pictures look fun.
Looks FUN :)
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